重大比赛,major competition
1)major competition重大比赛大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!
1.On the basis of analyzing the achievements of the scientific research and service for the shooters,the article discusses the relative issues concerning the improvement of shooters' competitive ability in major competitions so as to help coaches,athletes and researchers upgrade the quality of pre-game training.在总结和分析多年对射击运动员科技攻关与服务成果的基础上,对运动员在重大比赛中如何提高自身的比赛能力、充分发挥训练水平的相关问题进行探讨,以帮助教练员、运动员和科研人员提高赛前训练的针对性。
1.There are big games, and then there is The Big Game - the Superbowl.美国有重大比赛,也有“大赛”——“超级杯赛大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。
2.where spectators can exceed 15, 000 in important contests.有时遇上重大比赛,观看比赛的人数能达到15000。
3.Training Arrangements for Preparations before Major Archery Competitions;射箭备战重大比赛期训练过程的安排
4.he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.他已在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。
5.Theoretical Study on Mobilization Mechanism of Preparing for Major Competitions in China;我国重大比赛备战动员机制的理论研究
6.Characteristics of the Specific Training Load in Preparations for Major Archery Competitions;射箭备战重大比赛期专项训练负荷的特点
7.Monitoring and Analyzing of Blocking for Chinese National Women's Volleyball Team in 2008 Major Matches中国女排2008年重大比赛拦网情况监测与分析
8.A comparative analysis on the athletes' function situation of the Guangdong women hokey players before 3 major competitions广东女子曲棍球队三次重大比赛前运动员机能状态的比较研究
9.When the next "big game" comes along our confidence and those around us will be high.因而当下一个重大比赛来临时,我们的自信心会变得很强。
10.Competition major subordinate command of the team members to eliminate personal heroism.重大比赛本队队员要服从指挥,杜绝个人英雄主义。
11.a minor match preceding the main event.大赛之前较不重要的比赛。
12.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.他将参加横渡大西洋的一次重要比赛。
13.An important football game is often played in the midst of an immense ritual.重大的橄榄球比赛常常在盛大的典礼中进行。
14.Competition Arrange of World Champion From 2003 to 2005;2003~2005年世界重大赛事女子跳跃类项目冠军运动员比赛安排
15.Has any Asian nation ever been host to important soccer match ?亚洲有没有国家曾经举办过重大的足球比赛?
16.Has any Asian nation ever been host to world soccer's major events?亚洲有没有国家曾经举力过重大的足球比赛?
17.I want to come back to top10, I want to fight for the biggest tournies.我想重回前十,想在大比赛里跟对手激战。
18.In major international competition there is always a preliminary and final competition.重要的国际跳水比赛都有预赛和决赛。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!
preparation for the important competition备战重大比赛
3)lɑnqiu zhongdɑ guoji bisɑi篮球重大国际比赛
4)pɑiqiu zhongdɑ guoji bisɑi排球重大国际比赛
5)shouqiu zhongdɑ guoji bisɑi手球重大国际比赛
6)zuqiu zhongdɑ guoji bisɑi足球重大国际比赛
重大1.谓物体大而沉重。 2.大而重要。 3.指高而重要的官位。 4.指诗文风格凝重,气象阔大。
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